
Map of Barcelona in the color of Living Coral

  • Map of Barcelona
  • Map of Barcelona
  • Map of Barcelona

    1450 RUB

    Map of Barcelona in the bright color of "Live Coral"

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    You can also purchase a geographic map with inscriptions from us, which provides a detailed visual representation of locations and landmarks Barcelona

    Barcelona’s most famous sight, La Sagrada Familia’s construction began in 1882 and is planned to be completed in 2026. In celebration of a 100th anniversary of the legend known as Antoni Gaudi, who designed what’s known as the Europe’s most unconventional church. As well as many other famous creations in the city. La Sagrada Familia is also one of the UNESCO World Heritage.

    Barcelona was meant to be the home of Eiffel Tower. Gustave Eiffel’s original idea was to pitch the proposal to the city of Barcelona, and so he did. However, it didn’t go as planned and the city wasn’t too convinced so they rejected. They thought the tower wouldn’t be anything special and might even be an ‘unsightly addition’ to Barcelona’s landscape. After the rejection, Gustave decided to pitch to Paris and the rest is history!