
Wall map of the capital of Romania, Bucharest

  • Bucharest map
  • Bucharest map
  • Bucharest map

    1100 RUB

    In Bucharest there is an old castle - the residence of the Wallachian rulers. At one time, Vlad III Tepes lived in it, who became the prototype of the hero Dracula from the novel of the same name by Bram Stoker.

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    You can also purchase a geographic map with inscriptions from us, which provides a detailed visual representation of locations and landmarks Bucharest

    The Palace of Parliament in Bucharest is an architectural giant, the heaviest building in the world and the largest building in Europe. While the construction of the building was underway, the economy of the entire country worked for it. Everything was made 100% from Romanian materials. During the construction of the palace, all the produced marble went only here, so the gravestones at that time were made from other materials, for example, wood.