
Design, interior map of Yekaterinburg

  • Black and white map of Yekaterinburg
  • Black and white map of Yekaterinburg
  • Black and white map of Yekaterinburg
  • Black and white map of Yekaterinburg

    1200 1800 RUB

    Discover the beauty of Yekaterinburg with our stylish black and white poster card! The perfect addition to your home or office.

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    You can also purchase a geographic map with inscriptions from us, which provides a detailed visual representation of locations and landmarks Yekaterinburg

    Europe-Asia Border: Yekaterinburg is situated on the border between Europe and Asia, near the Ural Mountains. This unique geographical position makes the city a symbol of the meeting point between two continents. You can visit the Europe-Asia Monument, which marks this division and allows you to stand with one foot in each continent.

    The Romanovs' Tragic End: Yekaterinburg played a significant role in Russian history as the place where the last Russian Tsar, Nicholas II, and his family were executed in 1918 during the Russian Civil War. The Church on the Blood was built on the site of the former Ipatiev House, where the royal family was held captive and eventually killed. This historical event marked the end of the Romanov dynasty and ushered in the Soviet era.

    The Uralmash District: Yekaterinburg is home to the Uralmash District, which became an industrial powerhouse during the Soviet era. The district is named after the Uralmash Machine-Building Corporation, a heavy machinery manufacturer that produced essential equipment for the mining, metallurgical, and other industries.